Sunday 16 December 2012

ArHi FF: Book1 ~Jab Arnav Met Khushi(A teeny love story!)

Chapter 2: Way to England!

Arnav: I love you'
Person: I love you too more than myself! I just can't wait for Monday! We'll be back again! Ouchhh!
Arnav: What happened? Are you fine? Hello? Hello? Hello? Reply dammit!! Please! Hello????? Sheetal!!!! Are you fine? Hello? Sheetal? Baby what happened? Reply darling! Sheetal!!!!! Hello?...
Arnav could hear some sort of giggling on the other side of the phone and by that time he had already lost his patience and his temper was already at cloud nine!
Arnav: Sheetal! What the! What's happening? Reply me back god dammit!
Sheetal: Oh Arnav! You had to hear your voice!! You completely freaked out! I was just playing a prank Arniie darling! Chill!
Arnav: What the Sheetal! What kind of stupid shit was that? In a few minutes more my heart would have almost throbbed out my chest! What stupid prank is this? Don't you dare do this again! Do you get that??
Sheetal: Ok! Ok! Ok! Calm down now! You really care for me right? I wonder what would happen if I'..
Arnav: Shut the hell up Sheetal! I feel like strangling you now! You don't need an invitation to speak shit right? Seems that your tongue is always ready to speak bullshit things! Now go and get a life! And dare you speak this kind of things again! You'll face no worse than me! Bye!
Sheetal: Bye Arniie! See you tomorrow! Have a good day!

At Khushi's home'.

"Amma! Babuji! I've done it!!!! I've got my scholarship to Oxford! Yes!!!!! Thank you loads Devi Maiya! I had told you right! I knew it! You love me a lot Devi Maiya! And of course! Not to mention! You're always generous to me!!! I love you a lot Devi Maiya!!! You are the best!! If it wouldn't be you I doubt if I'd get the scholarship! And yeah! I didn't forget! Here are your jalebis!!!" said an overexcited Khushi while jumping here and there in the house; sometimes in the saloon, sometimes in the kitchen and sometimes in front of her Devi Maiya!
"This girl will drive me too crazy one day! Here, have this ladoo and god bless you Khushi! I knew you would make it! Congratulations my dear!" said her proud parents, Garima and Shashi.
"Offo amma! What's this? Ladoo?? You are giving me a ladoo? What's wrong with you? Are you fine? I want jalebis amma! Not ladoos! Since when have I become a fan of ladoos?? Amma!!" Khushi said teasingly.
"Yeah! "Jalebi Bai"! Ok so aunty! I have got a new name for her! Jalebi Bai! Naam Jalebi Bai!!!!! So Jalebi Bai, if you have not yet noticed as you are too busy with your jalebis, we have to leave for England TONIGHT!!!! Can you even imagine? We have so many things to do!!!! Let's start going now!!!! Come on!!! We have to go for shopping, prepare luggage and have a large list of never ending things to do!" Lavanya excitedly blurted out!
Garima and Shashi were glaring at the kids with questioning eyes when Payal explained the situation, "Amma, actually Khushi has to leave for England tonight itself as Oxford will be resuming day after tomorrow and if they don't go today, they'll not get the time to settle down; Mr Nanda has already given them their tickets and their flight is at about 10 pm. They will have to leave at nine if they don't want to miss the flight and''."
"Jiji!!!!!! You are not in the office right now! You are not the Personal secretary of Akash Sir at home! And on top of that Akash Sir is not even here! So please jiji! Stop being a bore! I wonder how Akash must be working with you in the office! You were actually talking like a parrot! Do have an idea of what Akash must be thinking about you especially with such talking habits! In this way you'll not even be able to' uhmmm you know!!" a smirking Khushi said with a wide smile on her face!
"Khushi! You have started speaking a lot nowadays! Amma' You know how she is! She always speaks nonsense! Khushii!" Payal said while giving threatening glances to Khushi which didn't go unnoticed by Lavanya.
"Oh my god! Someone put the title track of Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai or sing the song! Atleast on listening to this Payal may calm down! I am really scared with the current expression on your face Payal! Please spare me! Khushi! Let's go now! Especially before the 'World War 3 Of Sisters' starts now! Come on! Move! Bye aunty! Bye uncle! We will be back by two in the afternoon! Bye Payal! Chill huh!" Lavanya said while pulling Khushi and rushing into an auto.

In the streets of Mumbai'.

"Wow!!! Gol gappes! Let's have some! Yummy! It's so spicy! Exactly the gol gappes that I love! I wonder if we do get gol gappes in England?" Khushi said while stuffing gol gappes in her mouth!

"Yummy!!!!!!! Khushi! You know right? If we don't get gol gappes, so what? We can make our own gol gappes! You know?"
"Yeah! As if we know how to make gol gappes! If I would know I would never be eating them here! I would have made 10-20 gol gappes and right now I would have been at home busy munching my gol gappes!"
"That's what you are doing right now!" Lavanya said while giggling "I think we'll get its recipe on the net! I'll find out and promise, I'll make gol gappes for you in England! Pakka Promise!"
"So sweet Lavyyy!!!" Khushi said teasingly.
"What! Lavy! Eurks! I am Lavanya for your info not "Lavy"! Till yesterday you were calling me Lavs' And you remember, when we had geography test you started calling me Lava! And during our cookery class, you put my name 'Molten Chocolate Lava cake' Remember? And now the worst! Lavy!"
"Ooops! Sorry Lavy, Lava, lavs! You know you are the only one to whom I am so close! So if I call you by nicknames what's the problem in it? You have become so mean Lavy!" Khushi pouted.
"Oh my mother! Okay call me whatever you want! It's fine with me until I am the only better half of my Jalebi Bai!" Lavanya teased her.
"Right! Agree! So now? What's next?" Khushi asked curiously.
"Shopping now!!!" Lavanya shouted!!
And they went in different shopping malls trying dresses, miniskirts, slim jeans, girly tops, making fun of each other's choice, trying dresses of old times: Romeo type dresses, walking on the streets without any objective; just enjoying the cool breeze, dancing in the middle of the road, singing loudly traumatizing each passer-by! This was their friendship; a bit spicy, a bit sweet, full of ups and downs, but always filled with zeal as they were always together forever in good or bad times to lend a supporting shoulder to each other!

At Night'

"Finally! Finally I've finished with the packing! That was tough work! But still it was fun!! Hmmm' So I've taken my Devi Maiya; check, my laptop; check, what's left? Uhmmm.. OMG! How can I forget! My life, my hotwa, my cutewa, BARUN SOBTI'S PHOTO!!!! Shit Khushi! So Mr Barun how can I leave you alone here in India while I am in England? No way! You'll be coming with me!!" Khushi, finally zipped her suitcase while drooling about Barun!
"Khushi!! Come have dinner! It's fifteen past eight! Quickly!" Payal hailed Khushi.
"Hey Devi Maiya! How can I forget this too! Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon has already started! If you can't remember Ipkknd then you are doomed Khushi Kumari Gupta!" Khushi kept murmuring to herself.
Khushi at down comfortably on her sofa while watching her favourite serial, which had now became part of her life, while munching happily'
"How they look cute together! SaRun! How I love them! How cute!! Sanaya said 'Hum bhi aapse I love you dammit!'OMG! I am dying! Wow! Look at Barun's expressions! OH NO! THIS CAN'T HAPPEN!" Khushi said while her smiling face suddenly turned into a sad one with silver tears making their way down her soft rosy cheeks which eventually turned into sobs'
"Khushi! What happened? Are you okay?" her mother asked worriedly.
"Amma, I think she is sad to get parted away from us'. Stop crying Khushi! We are always here in your heart right?" Payal said
"Yes Khushi! We are always with you and you are not leaving us forever are you? You are just going to complete your studies and then you will be back in India with us! Stop crying now Khushi'" Garima said, trying to comfort her.
"It's not that amma! It's' It's '. It's Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon' I'll miss it! I'll not be able to watch it in England! We don't have Star Plus there amma! You know I always watch Ipkknd even during exam times! You know right? Amma! I don't know now how will I live without Ipkknd! Without SaRun! Hey Devi Maiya! Save me!!! I love Ipkknd a lot; more than needed'." Khushi said as if her life was being snatched away from her.
"Khushi! You are not in the old times when people had to send letters to each other so as to be able to talk! Life is more easy and comfortable now! You have Facebook, Twitter, YouTube et cetera! And moreover, Payal can give you live updates of what's happening in Ipkknd and you can watch it on YouTube also! I'll make Payal upload the videos! Wipe off these tears now! Ok?" Garima tried to make her at ease.
"But Amma, It will be different you know'." Khushi stammered.
"Oh come on Khushi! Atleast you are able to watch it right? So as long as you can watch Ipkknd, just chill and enjoy the serial and smile now!" Payal said.
"That's right Jiji!!! Thanks a lot!!! I have the best family ever!!! I love you amma and  I love you too jijii!" Khushi said finally bringing a smile to her angelic face.
"You know amma, She's totally mad this girl! I have never seen someone so mad for a serial! Please could you pass me the phone Khushi? I really need to make an important call to the mental asylum; I really need to inform them that there is a mad person in my house whose name is Khushi Kumari Gupta and whose madness is increasing day by day and becoming intolerable!" Payal said while winking to Khushi.
"Then Jijii, in this case you know all my friends in India Forums, on Facebook, all my Xavier's friends all need to be admitted in the Mental Asylum jijii! They are worse than me and keep drooling over Ipkknd all day long! I guess, there will be no place in the mental asylum for millions of people to stay; right?" Khushi said with a triumphant smile.
"It's great then Khushi! The mental asylums in India will make a lot of profits! At least Ipkknd fans will be worth something! The mental asylums will be expanded and modernized only because of Ipkknd fans! I bet all those mental people will be very grateful to all of you! You'll get so many blessings Khushi!!!! Wow!!!" Lavanya said while smirking at Khushi who now had her mouth opened in a perfect "O" shape!
"Oh Lavanya! When did you come?" Garima asked her.
"Hello Aunty! I just came! It's time to go Khushi! Ready?" Lavanya asked enthusiastically!
"Totally ready!!!! Super Duper Over excited to go!!!!" Khushi replied zealously!
"Bye Khushi! Take care! Eat on time! Phone us when you reach! Don't miss us a lot! And enjoy Ipkknd! Bye!" the whole family, Garima, Shashi and Payal bid farewell to Khushi with teary eyes'.
"Bye amma! Bye Babuji! Bye jijii! I'll miss you!" Khushi happily said while entering the car. "Take care of Akash, Jijiii!" she whispered!

In England'.

"Wow Khushi! You have changed the entire look of the dorm! Wow! It's amazing!" Lavanya squealed in happiness.
"I have done my piece of work! Now could you please unpack the bags?? Please Lavy! I am too tired! Please! Please!" Khushi was at the verge of begging her.
"Of course Khushi! Is that something to ask? We share smiles' We wiped tears and through the years, our friendship has grown along with us!! You are truly a part of myself and my life! Best friends TOGETHER FOREVER!" both shouted together!
"Okay! So, I am checking my Facebook profile and then I'll have a nap! Good luck for unpacking!" Khushi retorted.
She opened Google Chrome, entered the URL "", typed her email address followed by her password and finally logged in!
"Wow! 18 notifications! So, let me see, Riya commented on this, Sana is in a relationship!!! Lavyy!! Sana is in a relationship with Aman!!! Wow! I always knew there was something between them and ... .WHAT???? OMG!!! LAVANYA!!!"

She could feel her soft body crashing on his hard chest. Both shared an eyelock for a few seconds...

So how was the update??? Again NO ArHiOuchOuch Sorry!! But as per the precap, we can sense some ArHi in it right?EmbarrassedEmbarrassed Be ready for a lot of drama in the third chapter!!!!
If you liked the update please press the "like" button and do comment your thoughts!!! I feel very happy to read all your comments; so please!!!*Puppy Face* Smile

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